Profile: Christie's Cakes is a Cake Shop company located at Penrith, New South Wales Australia, address is Penrith 2750 NSW, postcode is 2750
Description: Christie's Cakes creates unique and better priced cakes for all of your special occasions. We are located in the Penrith area in N.S.W We supply: Wedding Cakes Engagement Cakes Birthday Cakes Bonbonerie Cake's Cupcake Towers Children's Cakes Cup Cakes Baby Shower Cakes Creative Cakes Chocolate Cakes Cakes for anything! We also work from your ideas, creating one of a kind cakes, please feel free to enquire!
Google Map of Christie's Cakes address: Penrith 2750 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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