Profile: Belle Saveur Patisserie Cafe is a Bakeries company located at Penrith, New South Wales Australia, address is 551 High St, Penrith 2750 NSW, postcode is 2750, you can contact Belle Saveur Patisserie Cafe by phone 02 4704 8601 Description: Belle (abjective) beautiful Saveur (noun) flavour Patisserie (feminine noun) cake shop Cafe (masculine noun) coffeehouse Justin Baker, owner and Pastry Chef, opened Belle Saveur in August 2010 to introduce locals to a quality patisserie product that they would otherwise have to travel to enjoy. Belle Saveur Patisserie Café use only the finest of ingredients to produce a range of sweet and savoury products that look amazing and taste fantastic. Signatore products include an Opera Gateaux, Mango and Raspberry Coconut Dacqoise, and a Strawberry and White Chocolate Japonais. Belle Saveur is open 7 days per week for breakfast, lunch and of course a treat for morning or afternoon tea. Google Map of Belle Saveur Patisserie Cafe address: 551 High St, Penrith 2750 NSW.
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