Profile: Pallisen Aesthetic Technologies is a Hair Removal company located at Coogee, New South Wales Australia, address is Coogee 2034 NSW, postcode is 2034
Description: Pallisen Aesthetic Technologies is a range of world-class, medical grade Laser and IPL machines. Our name Pallisen is adapted from the beautiful Palliser Bay, New Zealand, where the idea of the business was first conceived almost 10 years ago. Barbara Jellie made it her mission to make affordable Laser and IPL technology readily available, while still ensuring the highest standards of dependability and quality. When you purchase Pallisen equipment you will be provided with extensive training and ongoing support. Even after your initial course is complete, you can relax in the knowledge that whenever you have questions or concerns you can pick up the phone and we will there to help you. It is our goal to make owning equipment from the Pallisen range a supportive and stress-free experience so you can focus on getting the very best results.
Google Map of Pallisen Aesthetic Technologies address: Coogee 2034 NSW.
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