Profile: glamorous makeovers makeup artist is a Makeup Artists company located at Wollongong, New South Wales Australia, address is Wollongong 2500 NSW, postcode is 2500
Description: in the comfort of your house or at our salon glamorous fairy is an experienced and qualified makeup artist that has been in the industrie for over 7years she is qualified in all fields of makeup..glamorous fairy offers a 1.5hr trial and consultation to go threw all different types of makeup looks till the right look is what your happy with glamorous fairy will work with you on what your after and as well will give her experienced do you want people to look at you and say WOW that's glamorous?then you have come to the right site ring glamorous makeup today for a booking let the glam get the glamorous out of you!!!
Google Map of glamorous makeovers makeup artist address: Wollongong 2500 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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