Profile: Shaun Hain Massage Therapy - Mobile Therapist is a Massage company located at Narrabeen, New South Wales Australia, address is Narrabeen 2101 NSW, postcode is 2101
Description: Shaun Hain Massage Therapy is a new and upcoming mobile massage business, breaking into the new and growing industry of mobile natural therapies. We offer Swedish, Remedial and Sports massage and can adjust our treatments to cater for clients specific needs. We travel to you anywhere in the Northern Beaches of Sydney and parts of northern Sydney and the north shore.
Payment Options:
Gift VouchersMoney OrderChequeCash
Full BodyNeckSwedishShouldersHalf BodyBackLegsDeep TissueRemedialFootHead
Registration Details:
ABN: 69 192 167 802
Google Map of Shaun Hain Massage Therapy - Mobile Therapist address: Narrabeen 2101 NSW.
Map And Street View
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