Profile: Kukui is a Skin Care company located at Riverwood, New South Wales Australia, address is Riverwood 2210 NSW, postcode is 2210
Description: At Kukui we believe that fresh is best. Fresh food is better for our health than processed & fresh skincare is better for our skin than skincare that has been sitting on the shelf for several months (or years!). When it comes to natural skincare, potency levels decrease as the product ages. By combining our passions for natural skincare, beauty and science we have been able to fashion a range of fresh, highly potent and natural skincare. Each ingredient has been selected for its unique and specific properties. Where possible we have sourced pure, natural ingredients that are: - Certified organic - Ethically & sustainably sourced from all over the world - Wild harvested from Australian natives within their natural habitat, and - Cold pressed. Kukui products are made fresh to order and are not available in stores (and never will be!) so you can be sure that your products are as fresh as the day they were made. We love the freshness and effectiveness of our products and we will never compromise on our quality! Organic/natural skin care found in stores is made in bulk batches of 50kg or more at a time. Once made it sits in warehouses, sometimes enduring horrible heat conditions which can accelerate the decomposition of active ingredients. These products are then transported to retailers who eventually put them on their shelves. This process can be anywhere from 3-12+ months! By the time the consumer buys it a lot of the ingredient's vital properties are lost. Or worse, they could be applying product that is infused with free-radicals (due to the oxidation of natural oils) and this will only speed up the ageing process! As our products are made fresh and we post them directly to you, we can guarantee that each Kukui product will be 100% active.
Payment Options:
Gift VouchersVisaDirect DepositMasterCardPayPal
Google Map of Kukui address: Riverwood 2210 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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