Profile: HydroCon Australasia is a Cement, Lime, Plaster & Concrete Manufacturers company located at Chippendale, New South Wales Australia, address is Chippendale 2008 NSW, postcode is 2008, you can contact HydroCon Australasia by phone 02 8303 2423
Description: Stormwater systems and products: HydroSTON permeable concrete pavers, HydroCon permeable concrete pipes and stormwater filtration technology are used in a wide range of applications from large scale commercial infrastructure projects through to private residential water control, drainage and landscaping. Systems and products contribute to urban water security and remove toxic substances and other pollutants from runoff: treat stormwater at source; improve water quality; facilitate on-site retention and harvesting; reduce local flooding; protect groundwater, aquifers, waterways and water bodies; increase water supply to trees; and help restore urban land to its natural pre-development state. HydroSTON permeable concrete pavers are available for both pedestrian and traffic applications and allow rain and runoff to infiltrate directly into the ground, taking pressure off stormwater systems and allowing capture of runoff which can then be applied to many other uses. HydroSTON permeable pavements help restore the natural water cycle, reduce the impact of development on waterways and offer an environmentally sustainable, cost effective and beneficial long term approach to site and urban drainage. HydroCon pipes improve the operation of bioretention systems and can be used in conjunction with vegetated swales, pavements and roads, for groundwater/aquifer recharge by infiltration and controlled discharge. HydroCon pipes are porous except for the bottom of the pipe which is sealed. Sediment and pollutants from stormwater settle to the base of the pipe and are further trapped as the water exfiltrates though the walls of the pipe. HydroCon pipes deliver pre-treated stormwater to the subsurface of a bioretention or stormwater filter system, preventing clogging, allowing easy maintenance by conventional methods, and significantly reducing life cycle costs.