Profile: The Health and Career Counselling Centre is a Counselling & Mental Health company located at Epping, New South Wales Australia, address is Epping 2121 NSW, postcode is 2121
Description: The Health and Career Counselling Centre works with people whose lives or careers are restricted or impaired by illness or disability. Illnesses and disabilities can be physical or mental, ranging from anxiety and arthritis, to depression and dementia. Illnesses and disabilities can restrict or impair people in physical, mental and social ways. People living with illness or disability may also be impaired or restricted by inaccessible environments, or other people's prejudices and discriminatory actions. The Health and Career Counselling centre provides, (1) Career Counselling, to assist career or workplace decisions; to implement those decisions, to help people get a job, keep their job, or resolve workplace problems, (2) Health counselling, to optimise one's mental and physical health, build satisfying relationships, limit effects of illness or disability, and prevent further harm, (3) Remedial Massage Therapy, to treat the effects of illness, disability and stressful relationships, and maintain good health, (4) Professional Supervision and Training, for counsellors, healthcare professionals and communitycare workers, working with ill, disabled or aged people. Supervision and, training is available on an individual or group basis.
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