Profile: TRUE BLUE PET MINDING is a Pet Care company located at West Bathurst, New South Wales Australia, address is PO BOX 9097, West Bathurst 2795 NSW, postcode is 2795
Description: TRUE BLUE MINDING IS A BATHURST BASED IN-HOME PET CARE BUSINESS OFFERING THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE IN HOME PET CARE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. SAVE YOUR PET THE STRESS OF GOING TO BOARDING KENNELS LET US COME TO YOU!! And as for your REPTILE Pets, Scorpions Hermit Crabs and the like....We'll feed them too!!! We also offer extra HOUSE SITTING services such as mail collection, in-door plant watering, lights on / rotation, and even taking your bin out on garbage night!! No job too big or too small.... PH- 0415 348 329 to secure your appointment..
Google Map of TRUE BLUE PET MINDING address: PO BOX 9097, West Bathurst 2795 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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