Profile: BugShop is a Pet Shops company located at Parramatta, New South Wales Australia, address is Parramatta 2150 NSW, postcode is 2150
Description: BugShop is part of the Butterfly Skye's group and we sell live bugs for various uses for delivery through Australia. Live butterflies for release, insect life cycle kits for schools, butterfly chrysalis kits, edible insects, Creepy Creature Candy, Live invertebrates as pets (tarantulas, scorpions, stick insects and more!). We also have our Creepy Creature Zoo that comes to your school or event. Touch and hold live creepy creatures.
Google Map of BugShop address: Parramatta 2150 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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