Profile: Central Coast Assistant is a Business Services company located at Wyong, New South Wales Australia, address is Wyong 2259 NSW, postcode is 2259
Description: Central Coast Assistant is your own personal online assistant. We can help with all aspects of running your business without the need to employ further staff members. Whether you need help with a one-off project on ongoing admin assistant we can provide a services designed to suit your specific needs. Plus all our work is tax deductible! Our services include: Book-Keeping BAS Preparation Advertising Website/Domain Set-Up Legal Assistance for Self-Representation Quote/Invoices Manage Projects E-Newsletters Manage Client Database Data Analysis/ Entry Reporting/ Presentations Internet/ Database Research Social Media Management So contact us now for a free consultation! Call: 0426 841 017 Email: Web:
Google Map of Central Coast Assistant address: Wyong 2259 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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