Profile: Caltex Longueville is a Petrol & Service Stations company located at Longueville, New South Wales Australia, address is 7 Northwood Rd, Longueville 2066 NSW, postcode is 2066, you can contact Caltex Longueville by phone 02 9427 2855
Google Map of Caltex Longueville address: 7 Northwood Rd, Longueville 2066 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
1 comment(s) on Caltex Longueville
JanetPosted at 2016-07-15 06:49:20
Still trying to figure out of these guys are ripping me off or not? My service was astronomical in price, though my car is fairly new, and Peter the head mechanic, also pointed out other very expensive problems my engine has. His prices for parts seem to be very expensive too. I\'m very sceptical , my neighbour had similar experience. Does anyone else have any feedback. Good or bad? Thank you.
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