Profile: Berry Jam is a Marketing company located at Bilgola Beach, New South Wales Australia, address is Bilgola Beach 2107 NSW, postcode is 2107
Description: Berry Jam is a marketing consultancy which offers a professional, valuable service to small and medium sized businesses. Our focus is establishing websites that provide a central core to all your marketing activity. Our service includes any or all of the following ingredients: Website Development In this age websites are a foundation to all marketing activity. We help you build a site that will add real value to your business, and become a platform for much of your marketing activity. With a centralized location for distributing information, generating sales or leads, and your customer database - management and analysis of your marketing becomes streamlined and cost effective. Online Marketing Berry Jam can help you decide what your business needs in terms of online marketing. There is a lot of talk about search engine optimization, google adwords and online industry portals. However, you need a marketing plan and budget to determine what your focus, and expected return will be, before you sign any online agreements or plans. We can help you through this minefield of technosales jargon. Marketing Review -analysis of current expenditure, its results (how much money are you spending to get new customers) -review of company branding and positioning (do customers know your name and what you do) -target audience (who are they, what do they want from you. why would they find you) - communication channels (how do they find you, is every contact consistent) Marketing Strategy Berry Jam can provide a thorough plan for your company on how to tackle future marketing activity in the most consistent, profitable and straightforward manner. A strategy really ensures you are not spending $ on an ad hoc basis, which tends to be expensive and inconsistent. We can work with you to develop a plan, that can be implemented by yourselves, Berry Jam or a combination of our two companies. Creative Development We specialize in creating authentic brands.
Google Map of Berry Jam address: Bilgola Beach 2107 NSW.
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