Profile: CREA LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIES is a Science company located at Tuggerah, New South Wales Australia, address is U 4, 4 Teamster Cl, Tuggerah 2259 NSW, postcode is 2259, you can contact CREA LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIES by phone 02 4320 6670
Description: Crea Laboratory Technologies provide a range of laboratory instuments to help you with your analytical requirements. Providing Quality testing instruments and products for laboratories across a variety of industry sectors. Crea has a number of focused product divisions to better assist each of these industries. Condition Monitoring Pharma Research PetroChem Environmental Food & Beverage Each of these products divisions provide a complete product range designed specifically for the unique requirements of different industry sectors and the testing requirements.
Google Map of CREA LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIES address: U 4, 4 Teamster Cl, Tuggerah 2259 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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