Profile: Sock Hop is a Shopping Centres company located at Bungendore, New South Wales Australia, address is Bungendore 2621 NSW, postcode is 2621
Description: The 'Sock Hop' comes from the 1950's where for the sake of the dance hall floors, dancers had to leave their dancing shoes at the door and skip the light fantastic in their socks. We stock socks from all over the world, including some home grown ones, in a bid to get feet dancing again. They may not improve your love life, get you that better job or give you 20/20 vision but they may just put a smile of your face, liven up your sock drawer and make you want to take your shoes off for a boogie.
Google Map of Sock Hop address: Bungendore 2621 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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