Profile: LED The Way Light Globes is a Home Decor Retailers company located at Kingswood, New South Wales Australia, address is Kingswood 2747 NSW, postcode is 2747
Description: LED The Way Light Globes is an online store & we have a selection of LED globes to suit your many needs such as Indoor/Outdoor Lighting, Downlights, Automotive and Marine Lighting. LED globes are more cost effective as they use 60-90% less power than a traditional Incandescent, CFL or Halogen globe. They average a life of 50,000 hours. Other advantages of LED globes are they contain no Mercury or Lead; emit no U.V. or I.R. Radiation therefore produce a healthier light source; are shatter and vibration resistant as they do not contain a filament and they do not contain the heat of a traditional globe when in use. For more information go to our website
Google Map of LED The Way Light Globes address: Kingswood 2747 NSW.
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