Profile: Digitalise is a Music & DVD's Retailers company located at Lilyfield, New South Wales Australia, address is 60 White St, Lilyfield 2040 NSW, postcode is 2040
Description: Service provided to convert your cds to MP3 and lossless formats. You: Count the cds you want converted Place your order online Put your cds into the packaging that we provide which will be delivered to you We: Drop off the packaging Pick up the packaging once you've had a chance to pack your cds into it Convert your cds for you Drop your cds back to you with the converted music on DVDs and any other device you choose to have it loaded onto. You'll also get detailed instructions on what to do with your music
Google Map of Digitalise address: 60 White St, Lilyfield 2040 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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