Profile: Momentum Pilates is a Pilates company located at Bella Vista, New South Wales Australia, address is Lexington Corporate, Level 1, Suite F123, 24-32 Lexington Dr, Bella Vista 2153 NSW, postcode is 2153
Description: Pilates uses a unique blend of mat and equipment based techniques which delivers positive fitness and rehabilitation results. Momentum Pilates adopts a genuine and caring approach to the health and wellbeing of our clients. We are committed to tailoring a program that will enable you to achieve your goals by offering personalised and focused training in private and small group sessions with an emphasis on providing a fulfilling experience. Pilates for every body Suitable for all fitness levels Develop strength, flexibility and balance Pre and post natal sessions Recovery and rehabilitation programs
Google Map of Momentum Pilates address: Lexington Corporate, Level 1, Suite F123, 24-32 Lexington Dr, Bella Vista 2153 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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Momentum de-clutters and de-mystifies the vast array of corporate sustainability and responsibility approaches for its clients and offers consulting and education services.
Angelina Ballerina Dance Academy provides dance classes for children from three years old to five years old. The acadmey services Castle Hill, Bella Vista and the Hills District.