Profile: Carp-One Carpentry & Roofing is a Carpenter company located at Kingsgrove, New South Wales Australia, address is Kingsgrove 2208 NSW, postcode is 2208
Description: Carp-One provides Carpentry, metal roofing and maintenance services. We are prompt and reliable, providing the following services to enhance your home: * Building decks and pergolas, flooring, fencing, cladding * Fitout work - architraves, skirting boards, doors, installing locks * Installing skylights, windows, cabinets * Metal Roofing - install metal roofing, gutters and downpipes, polycarbonate roofing * Maintenance and repairs - repairing roof leaks, doors, windows, stairs, brickwork, timber structures, dry wall plastering
Google Map of Carp-One Carpentry & Roofing address: Kingsgrove 2208 NSW.
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