Profile: Capoeira Brazil School is a Martial Arts company located at Tamarama, New South Wales Australia, address is PO Box 3146, Tamarama 2026 NSW, postcode is 2026
Google Map of Capoeira Brazil School address: PO Box 3146, Tamarama 2026 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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The group Capoeira Brasil is a branch of one of Brasil's most popular group. It is the most traditional and large group in Australia, and it runs under Master Peixe since 1992.
Capoeira, Martial Art, Dance, Capoeira in Bondi, Capoeira in Australia, Australia Capoeira, Acrobatics, Nei Boa Morte, Val Boa Morte, Jogo de Capoeira, Capoeira Roda, Capoeira Game
Discover the Passion of Argentine Tango with current Australian Tango Champion Pedro Alvarez teaching Beginner to Advanced classes at Darlinghurst & Bondi Beach