Profile: Victor Voets: Astro-Numero is a Astrology, Spiritual & Genealogy company located at Bondi Junction, New South Wales Australia, address is 89 Oxford St, Bondi Junction 2022 NSW, postcode is 2022, you can contact Victor Voets: Astro-Numero by phone 02 9389 6957
Google Map of Victor Voets: Astro-Numero address: 89 Oxford St, Bondi Junction 2022 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
1 comment(s) on Victor Voets: Astro-Numero
DANIELPosted at 2017-05-03 13:17:20
I have known Victor Voets for a long time. He got the Newcastle quake more or less right. I have predicted a lot of quakes myself so far over 800,000 people killed some of them in batches 100,00 to 300,000 and I discuss my work now and then with Victor Voets what I am trying to find out is he still alive my old friend Ray Webb died about 2007. Victor is terrific with the Tarot and a bit pricey. In his shop at Bondi Junction he had some bits and pieces I think you could buy incense and Tarot card packs, I also think he had a job with the Sydney Astrological Society what I don\'t know is his present state when I knew him his beard was black likely it is now white. Mine is. He is a systematic sort of person and really knows Tarot but can do Astrology. I do not know if he is trained in magic but that is possible. Easy to get on with and friendly or was so when I came to know him.
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