Profile: FILMgauge is a Film Production company located at Kellyville, New South Wales Australia, address is Kellyville 2155 NSW, postcode is 2155
Description: Filmgauge is a Sydney based video production company. We provide HD video production services such as corporate video production, TV commercial, promotional video, training video, music video, documentary and film making. We make podcast video, vodcast for your web presence and organize webcast. Our video production house can also produce, direct and telecast video productions of live events from either TV studio or on-site TV / video production facilities. As film and video editor we offer video production editing and associated video post production.
Google Map of FILMgauge address: Kellyville 2155 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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