We specialise in custom wedding and personal photography packages, if you don't see everything you want in our current packages we will draw one up just for you!
Profile: Coda Creative Studios is a Photographers company located at Newcastle, New South Wales Australia, address is Newcastle 2300 NSW, postcode is 2300
Description: Coda Creative Studios are based in Newcastle and provide beautiful photos with personal, professional service. We specialise in weddings and portrait sessions but are also available for band photos, commercial photography and more. We have a range of packages to suit a variety of budgets and if you don't see what you need on our site call us and we can tailor a package to suit your needs. We also offer educational services for budding photographers and can provide group or one-on-one education sessions covering anything from the basics to advanced techniques.
Google Map of Coda Creative Studios address: Newcastle 2300 NSW.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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Hotel Novocastrian, located in Newcastle's beautiful east end. Walking distance to two stunning beaches, the foreshore and boardwalk restaurants and the CBD
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