Profile: Westside Business Women Inc. is a Associations & Unions company located at Springfield, Queensland Australia, address is PO Box 4193, Springfield 4300 QLD, postcode is 4300
Description: WBWI is a not-for-profit organisation providing networking opportunities for women who are in business or wanting to get into business. Through our networking events we will give you the opportunity to meet with like minded business people in the local, Westside - Brisbane to Ipswich area. The topics our informative and inspirational guest speakers deliver will help you to gain valuable business insight on how to improve and grow your business. WBWI is operated by a small group of passionate business women who volunteer their time to make this group accessible to every business or individual no matter what stage they are at in business - big, small, start up, home based or employed but dreaming of being in business. Everyone is welcome! By having volunteers operate the organisation we can keep membership and event fees as low as possible.
Google Map of Westside Business Women Inc. address: PO Box 4193, Springfield 4300 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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