Profile: Chic Wholesale Handbags is a Wholesalers company located at Buderim, Queensland Australia, address is Buderim 4556 QLD, postcode is 4556
Description: Chic Handbags is a ladies Handbags clutch and wallet wholesale brand in Queensland Australia. Supplying the latest on trend fashion styles that will wow your customers at very affordable prices. We have many new styles arrive each week so there is always the latest looks available. Chic wholesale handbags opened in 2014 and has been growing quite strongly ! So if your a fashion retailer or online fashion business secure the Chic Handbags brand for your business NOW before your competition does !
Additional Information:
Online Service
Payment Options:
VisaDirect DepositMasterCardPayPal
Registration Details:
ABN: 44 787 523 010
Google Map of Chic Wholesale Handbags address: Buderim 4556 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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