Profile: Travel Ventures International is a company located at Childers, Queensland Australia, address is Childers 4660 QLD, postcode is 4660, you can contact Travel Ventures International by phone 0438 386 963
Description: If you have a computer and you Love travelling, or you just want to stay at home with the family. Then you can do this job in just about any location in the world. There is a Once only set up charge of $300US. This job comes with A 7day / 6 Night Accomodation Package in a 3-5 Star Resort at almost any destination in the world, which is inclusive in the Business set up charge. To Find out more, check out the website. Http://
Google Map of Travel Ventures International address: Childers 4660 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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