Profile: 1ComputerNerd is a Computer Services & Repair company located at Spring Hill, Queensland Australia, address is Spring Hill 4000 QLD, postcode is 4000
Description: I am a computer specialist who can come to you for computer repairs (software and hardware), advice, upgrades and new systems purchases for small businesses or the home user. Based in the inner city and working from home my overheads and low and this saving is passed on to you. I have a lot of experience with computers and am confident I can help you find the solution you want. Call me to discuss your situation and we can work something out that will suit your needs and budget. I take a lot of pride in my work and this is something my clients appreciate as they know they can rely on me to leave them satisfied. Please see my website for further details.
Google Map of 1ComputerNerd address: Spring Hill 4000 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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