Profile: Specialist Computer Team is a Computer Services & Repair company located at Morayfield, Queensland Australia, address is PO Box 942, Morayfield 4506 QLD, postcode is 4506
Description: We recycle computers, laptops and IT equipment free of charge (conditions apply). We offer a free pickup service on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane for businesses, community groups, schools and charities wishing to dispose of old, unwanted, outdated or broken computer equipment in an environmentally friendly way. We can also offer a collection service for home users to recycle computer equipment. We also offer data destruction services to remove all personal information stored on computers. We can recycle: Computers PC or Mac), laptops, netbooks, LCD screens, some printers, external and internal hard disc drives, motherboards, video cards, CPU's, power supplies, UPS units, cables - any type, Optical disc drives, heatsinks, fans and most other peripherals - contact us for details.
Google Map of Specialist Computer Team address: PO Box 942, Morayfield 4506 QLD.
Map And Street View
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