It is part of the Liberal Catholic tradition that Jesus did not exclude people for any reason. This tradition is also a central tenet for us. All are welcome at St Michael's!
Profile: Gold Coast Liberal Catholic Church is a Churches company located at Southport, Queensland Australia, address is 19 Kerr Ave, Southport 4215 QLD, postcode is 4215
Description: We are the Gold Coast Liberal Catholic Community of St Michael and All Angels, located at 19 Kerr Avenue, Southport, Q 4215. The Liberal Catholic Church is not part of the Roman Catholic Church, and hasn't been since at least the 1870s, although elements of it broke away as early as the 17th Century. Our theology would be considered very progressive. The Liberal Catholic Church, of which St Michael is a small part, suggests principles which people are free to accept or reject, and to interpret how they wish. It does not insist on the acceptance of dogmas. It is a world-wide church which, true to its name, welcomes all without qualification or any judgment to its local communities, and through them to its sacraments . . . as we say ALL are welcome at the table of the Lord. Our priest and pastor is Robert Moore and the associate pastor is Richard Taylor. We have a standard Eucharist on the 1st Sunday of each month, on the 3rd Sunday we have a meditation-based meeting called Heart Circle. The 5th Sunday, where it occurs, is usually a hybrid of these two service forms. We also have a mass on Thursday mornings, usually at Father Robert's home. For details call us.
Additional Information:
Times Vary - call for details
Google Map of Gold Coast Liberal Catholic Church address: 19 Kerr Ave, Southport 4215 QLD.
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Passion for Christ, Passion for People, Passion for the Great Commission! We look forward to you visiting Hope Church Gold Coast, Part of Hope International Movement!