Profile: Kumpny Pty Ltd is a Department Stores company located at Maroochydore, Queensland Australia, address is Maroochydore 4558 QLD, postcode is 4558, you can contact Kumpny Pty Ltd by phone 1300586769
Description: Snugabub, another clever Kumpny product. As recommended by the SIDS and Kids Organisation, sleep your baby face up with their feet at the base of the cot. This is made possible with Snugabub cot sheets and cot blankets (patent application no. 2008903375). Take away the excess fabric that puts your baby at high risk of suffocation or entanglement and provide them age and height tailored cot sheets. The cot sheets are made with quality 100% percale cotton. The blankets are made with 100% soft lambs wool and 100% thermal cotton. Snugabub is particularly targeted for use by infants up to 12 months.
Google Map of Kumpny Pty Ltd address: Maroochydore 4558 QLD.
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