Profile: Jewels by Lulu is a Jewellery & Watch Retailers company located at Bucasia, Queensland Australia, address is PO Box 306, Bucasia 4750 QLD, postcode is 4750
Description: Beautiful Jewellery with less common coloured diamonds such as black, red, blue and champagne. Natural Rubies and Emeralds, something becoming harder to purchase in Jewellery stores. Big bolder pieces, large gemstone rings. Custom made rings that can be used as an alternative to a traditional diamond solitaire engagement ring. We also offer matching bridal ring sets. Our aim is to supply Jewellery at an affordable price and to provide a personalised, professional service. We are committed to building a business that is based on honesty and customer satisfaction. All items come with a money back guarantee!
Google Map of Jewels by Lulu address: PO Box 306, Bucasia 4750 QLD.
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