Profile: PoolWerx Bundaberg is a Swimming Pools company located at Bargara, Queensland Australia, address is PO Box 8356, Bargara 4670 QLD, postcode is 4670
Description: PoolWerx Bundaberg are specialists pool and spa servicing. We can also make sure your pool is sparkling during your holidays, for summer start up, auctions, sales, and much more. We also specialise in green pool clean ups, tenant handovers, chemical balancing, new equipment and repairs. We pride ourselves in making sure that your pool is safe and healthy for your loved ones to enjoy. For an obligation free quote, please call Chad.
Google Map of PoolWerx Bundaberg address: PO Box 8356, Bargara 4670 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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PoolWerx - The healthy pool people - Retail and Mobile pool and Spa Care - And because we’re mobile, the best pool shop in the world comes straight to your door.
PoolWerx - The Healthy Pool People are Australia's largest and most accredited retail and mobile pool and spa care network; servicing both residential and commercial pools.
Naturally the place to stay! 40 2 bedroom self-contained and standalone villas on 5 acres of gardens bordering a nature reserve, a block back from the beach!