Profile: Cunnamulla Cabins is a Motels company located at Cunnamulla, Queensland Australia, address is 22 Mabel Street, Cunnamulla 4490 QLD, postcode is 4490
Description: Accommodation that caters for the weary travellers every whim, fully air conditioned, comfortable queen size beds, kitchenettes, laundry facillities, undercover parking, spacious and quiet surrounds, clean and modern fittings, tvs, outdoor area and deck for entertaining, landscaped gardens, friendly service and moderate rates - everything you want but least expect in the Outback.
Google Map of Cunnamulla Cabins address: 22 Mabel Street, Cunnamulla 4490 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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