Profile: Michael Jae Domestic Cleaning is a Cleaning company located at Calamvale, Queensland Australia, address is Calamvale 4116 QLD, postcode is 4116, you can contact Michael Jae Domestic Cleaning by phone 0413 611 479
Description: You name it the team at Michael Jae Domestic Cleaning offer it. ** Great prices you can either work on an hourly rate or Jay will offer you set price ** I have an eye for detail and a small case of OCD. ** I offer scheduled cleans, BOND cleans, Lawn and Garden Maintenance & Car detailing. There is somthig for everyone or have everything Done. My concept is that we want you to have your time back so I trade 7 days a week. For more Call Jay on 0413 611 479 or
Additional Information:
Open Public HolidaysAppointments AvailableFlexible Hours by AppointmentContact 24 hours
Payment Options:
Gift VouchersDirect DepositPayPalCashAll Cards Accepted
Google Map of Michael Jae Domestic Cleaning address: Calamvale 4116 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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