Profile: Eden Health Retreat Center in Gold Coast is a Holiday Resorts company located at Currumbin Valley, Queensland Australia, address is 5, 1815 Currumbin Creek Rd, Currumbin Valley 4223 QLD, postcode is 4223, you can contact Eden Health Retreat Center in Gold Coast by phone 07 5533 0333
Description: Camp Eden Health Resort was created to restore your natural energy, re-discover balance and harmony, enhance your inner beauty and achieve a sense of well being.Camp Eden allows you the seclusion from the outside world; the freedom to roam, reflect; contemplate and be in the spirit with what is around you. A chance to reconnect with yourself, surrender your old perceptions and see yourself with fresh eyes.Camp Eden is very different from any other health retreat or resort and why their guests experience amazing discoveries in mind, body and soul is The Eden Program. The Eden Program is the foundation of everything they do. Your lifestyle change for the better is the purpose and The Eden Program is built to help you achieve it.Camp Eden Health Resort specialises in weight management; stress management; detox; personal development and changing habits.
Additional Information:
Open Public HolidaysTimes Vary - call for detailsOpen 24hrs / 7 DaysAppointments AvailableOnline ServiceFlexible Hours by AppointmentContact 24 hours
Payment Options:
Gift VouchersVisaMasterCardPayPalCashAll Cards Accepted
Google Map of Eden Health Retreat Center in Gold Coast address: 5, 1815 Currumbin Creek Rd, Currumbin Valley 4223 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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