Profile: Bargara Beach Driving School is a Driving Schools company located at Bargara, Queensland Australia, address is Bargara 4670 QLD, postcode is 4670
Description: Bargara Beach Driving School offers driver education to the local community of Bargara, surrounding coastal areas and the city of Bundaberg. Bargara Beach Driving School offers: ?Appointments from 6am to 10pm, seven days a week ?Manual and automatic driving cars ?Free pick-up and drop-off ?To and from pick up point then destination at home, work or school ?Bundaberg and surrounding areas ?Up to 30 log book hours with 10 hours of lessons with an accredited instructor ?Accredited driver trainer and keys2drive accredited instructor ?Lessons are tailored to your time and ability (min. 60min lessons) ?Gift vouchers available
Google Map of Bargara Beach Driving School address: Bargara 4670 QLD.
Map And Street View
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Naturally the place to stay! 40 2 bedroom self-contained and standalone villas on 5 acres of gardens bordering a nature reserve, a block back from the beach!