Profile: Gillian Maddigan, Body Mind Therapist is a Massage company located at Nerang, Queensland Australia, address is 14 Billabirra Cres, Nerang 4211 QLD, postcode is 4211
Description: Gillian has been a Massage Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner for over 15 years and has added to her tool kit to help her clients benefite from regular maintenance and to tune in to their own wellbeing through many techniques. Gillian has been Face Reading at festivals and events for 11-12 years and teaches Face Reading to allow you to get an early read on another persons personality. She has also added to her tool kit a Diploma in Teaching Psychosomatic Therapy and is now delivering a recognised Certificate III in Psychosomatic Therapy which includes : Face Reading, Body Mind Analysis, Hand Reading and Emotional Release Therapy. Gillian believes if you understand your own body and it's needs you can take control of how you will live your life in the future, whether you grow old and pass from this world in pain or live health fully of your life until the end. Remembering that your body is genuine no matter how it is built for you to live your life and there are no genuine parts out there, as there yet, to replace the ones you wear out. Be aware of who you are, what you do, how you live and where you can go and when you get there are you able to enjoy it?
Pre & Post Natal PregnancyHot Stone TherapyBackFull BodyDeep Tissue
Google Map of Gillian Maddigan, Body Mind Therapist address: 14 Billabirra Cres, Nerang 4211 QLD.
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