Profile: Alaya Earth is a Sporting Goods Manufacturers company located at Currumbin, Queensland Australia, address is Currumbin 4223 QLD, postcode is 4223
Description: Alaya Earth is an Australian concept company that is totally organic and gives its users joy and the feeling of freedom. It was created by a group of surfers who were looking for new ways of capturing the love of the ocean; all products are naturally sourced from the earth. Our main product is the ancient inspired finless boards which are made from sustainable Australian grown Paulownia trees and recycled and reclaimed Australian Cedar, all sealed with raw Linseed Oil. We keep this organic all natural feeling flowing through all our products, that include wax, board slips and hand surfers. This is just a small start of helping what we love. All our products come from the earth and will all go back to the earth.
Google Map of Alaya Earth address: Currumbin 4223 QLD.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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