Profile: Milly Lilly Artistry is a Makeup Artists company located at Adelaide, South Australia Australia, address is 9 Griffiths St Rd, Adelaide 5000 SA, postcode is 5000
Description: "Milly Pearce is the artist and creator behind Milly Lilly. She is a Make Up and emerging Visual Artist. She specialises in editorial, wedding, formal make up, and education. With brush in hand, over the last ten years she has been using the face as her canvas working for prestigious companies Napoleon Perdis, Mac Cosmetics and The Body Shop in creative and educational roles. Over this time she has worked on fashion events, stage productions and short films working with Australian designers. She has styled for Chanel Seven, and worked on editorial photo-shoots in Australia and the UK."
Google Map of Milly Lilly Artistry address: 9 Griffiths St Rd, Adelaide 5000 SA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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