Relax-Recover-Rejuvenate! Both relaxing and remedial, Bowen Therapy often provides lasting relief to chronic and acute conditions. Suitable for all ages and degrees of health.
Profile: Northside Bowen Therapy is a Massage company located at Mawson Lakes, South Australia Australia, address is 5 Goodall Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 SA, postcode is 5095
Description: Bowen Therapy is a unique,gentle and effective form of body work in which very subtle moves are performed over muscles and connective tissue at specific points sending messages deep into the body, retrieving the cellular memory of a preferred, relaxed, balanced way of health and well being. Beneficial for pregnancy discomfort, child development/learning problems, musculoskeletal conditions to respiratory complaints. Please feel free to discuss how Bowen Therapy can help you by calling or emailing me via this page. I am a registered member of ;- Bowen Association of Australia (BAA) Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (BTAA) Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) I continue ongoing professional development with Bowtech.(BTAA) Health fund rebates may apply. I provide Bowen Therapy and Massage Therapy at 2 locations:- Holistic Natural Medicine Shop 4, Cheek Avenue Gawler East SA 5118 Tuesdays & Thursdays Every1 Massage & Natural Therapies Shop 2, 5 Goodall Parade Mawson Lakes SA 5095 Mondays & Wednesdays After hours and weekend consults by appointment. QUALIFICATION DETAILS Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy (Bowtech) Cert.IV in Bowen Therapy Bowen Therapy for Sports Injuries Diploma of Kinesiology (NLK) Cert.IV in Massage Therapy Cert.IV in Small Business Management Cert.IV in Training & Assessment Practitioner Certificate - Australian Bush Flower Essences EFT Levels 1 & 2
Google Map of Northside Bowen Therapy address: 5 Goodall Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 SA.
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