Profile: Hip Hop Solutions is a Recording & Rehearsal Studios company located at Adelaide, South Australia Australia, address is contact for address, Adelaide 5000 SA, postcode is 5000
Description: Hip Hop Solutions was originally opened in 2002 as a small time recording studio for local hip hop acts. Sense then Hip Hop Solutions has grown into a full time hip hop studio helping many young artists not only grow as musicians but also develop there sound into a professional standard allowing them to be played on many radio stations and even get them into the live scene. But what can Hip Hop Solutions offer you * 10 years experience in audio productions * A huge arsenal in production tools to achieve your desired results * The latest production techniques * Thousands of hip hop loops for people that don't have beats * True customer service that has been lost in the modern age * Hourly Rate of only $30.00 per hour * A true passion for Hip Hop So if your looking to cut a demo, Ep or even a album call James and he will help you out in any way he can.
Google Map of Hip Hop Solutions address: contact for address, Adelaide 5000 SA.
Map And Street View
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