Profile: ProExposure is a Public Relations company located at Hove, South Australia Australia, address is Hove 5048 SA, postcode is 5048
Description: ProExposure is your number one point of call if you want things to happen for your business. We are an Adelaide based PR, communications and promotions consultancy with a key focus on IMPLEMENTATION of EXCELLENT campaigns for EXCEPTIONAL results! We work with our clients to discover opportunities to deliver their product and their message to their audience in an interesting, sophisticated and innovative way. Trust professionals to manage your corporate client servicing, Public Relations and communication strategies and brand awareness campaigns to achieve maximum result for your business.
Additional Information:
Flexible Hours by Appointment
Google Map of ProExposure address: Hove 5048 SA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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