Profile: SOCCAJOEYS ADELAIDE is a Sports Clubs company located at Athelstone, South Australia Australia, address is Athelstone 5076 SA, postcode is 5076
Description: Soccajoeys is an Australian owned and operated company that was established to help and encourage young children with their physical and social development. Soccajoeys classes are set in a fun and enjoyable recreational setting for children to learn and play the worldâ??s most popular sport â??Soccerâ?�. Soccajoeys programs are aimed at introducing kids to the early learning principles of childrens soccer along with increasing their physical and social development. Young soccer enthusiasts experience this soccer program in an indoor environment, using toddler-safe equipment whilst being facilitated by licensed professionals. Soccajoeys is about a great deal more than just developing a childâ??s control with the ball, it is about giving them a well-rounded start in their physical, social and educational development whilst developing the â??whole childâ?�. â?¢ All sessions are held in indoor venues â?¢ All programs run for 1 hour â?¢ Sessions held mornings and afternoons during weekdays and weekends
Additional Information:
Times Vary - call for details
Payment Options:
Direct DepositBPayCashAll Cards Accepted
Google Map of SOCCAJOEYS ADELAIDE address: Athelstone 5076 SA.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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