Profile: Combined Services & Repairs is a Cleaning company located at Dudley Park, South Australia Australia, address is 66 Pym St, Dudley Park 5008 SA, postcode is 5008, you can contact Combined Services & Repairs by phone 08 8344 8535
Description: When cleaning equipment works properly, it can turn the most difficult chore into an absolute breeze. With equipment that's not up to scratch, however, even the simplest job can become a massive strain on your time and mind. That's why it pays to get the best cleaning equipment you can find, like what's on offer at Combined Services & Repairs. If you're in the Dudley Park region of South Australia and need cleaning supplies that will get the job done, get in touch with them today. A distributor of Clark Cleaning Equipment, you can be sure Combined Services & Repairs will have everything you could ask for from your cleaning products. Give them a call on 8344 8535 and put your cleaning worries to rest.
Google Map of Combined Services & Repairs address: 66 Pym St, Dudley Park 5008 SA.
Map And Street View
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