Profile: Meerding Computers is a Computer Services & Repair company located at Kingston, Tasmania Australia, address is 31 Groningen Road, Kingston 7050 TAS, postcode is 7050
Description: Hi my Name is Khen Meerding and I provide first class professional mobile computer repair, sales and installation services to homes and businesses in and around the Kingston - Hobart area. As a seasoned industry professional with several years operating in this location and over 25 years professional experience in total, I provide service second to none. Meerding Computers supply new computers, antivirus, backup software and hardware. Because I specialise in repairing computer systems I know which brands are the best. You can purchase computers and parts that I trust from the online store here. If you need it personally delivered and installed then of course I can help you with that too. Thats the advantage of buying direct from an IT expert. With myself you can always expect "beyond the call of duty" care. And my customers know this. Have a question? Evening and weekend calls also welcome.
Google Map of Meerding Computers address: 31 Groningen Road, Kingston 7050 TAS.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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