Profile: Australia Post - Grovedale Delivery is a Post Offices company located at Grovedale, Victoria Australia, address is 9 Essington St, Grovedale 3216 VIC, postcode is 3216, you can contact Australia Post - Grovedale Delivery by phone 137678
Australia Post
Google Map of Australia Post - Grovedale Delivery address: 9 Essington St, Grovedale 3216 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
3 comment(s) on Australia Post - Grovedale Delivery
Margo RobinsonPosted at 2017-01-09 13:44:56
Just today received a photo book clearly marked PHOTOS DO NOT FOLD which has a large fold mark down the cenre of the cover and cannot be laid flat because someone has tried to bend it fit in something. Not sure who is responsible but I suspect someone at the mailsorters. Either that or the postie. Not happy as it took me a lot of hours to construct this book. Very pissed off.
russell montgomeryPosted at 2018-11-26 15:22:34
seems the relieve on thinks that 2-4 homestead drive goes into 6-30 homestead drive as many times before there should be acard saying that it is actually in WILSON RD ON THE CORNER thanking you and merry xmas
MikePosted at 2020-05-06 13:50:09
I know where my wrongly directed Express parcel is (already two days overdue) but they won\'t let me collect it, or even contact them to make alternative arrangements.
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