Profile: Boroondara Dog Training is a Pet Training company located at Kew East, Victoria Australia, address is Kew East 3102 VIC, postcode is 3102
Description: Boroondara Dog Training was established in 1999 at the request of the Chief Animal Control Office for Boroondara Council. Our trainers between us have about 102 years of dog training experience, we train you how to develop a good working relationship with your companion dog who takes notice of you when you ask them to do something and help you to overcome any problems you may have with them. We do not train for competition obedience.
Payment Options:
Pet Training
Service Options
Agility TrainingProblem SolvingBehavioural ProblemsSocialisation ClassesPuppy School
Google Map of Boroondara Dog Training address: Kew East 3102 VIC.
Map And Street View
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