Profile: Precious Catherine is a Fashion company located at Romsey, Victoria Australia, address is 19 Metcalfe Dr, Romsey 3434 VIC, postcode is 3434
Description: With the Create Your Own Corset range, you can design your very own stylish corset! Choose from a range of colours, trims, styles and sizes to create a look for day or night! Its as easy as following the guided steps, of which you can most certainly enquire about through the enquiries section. Please feel free to explore the website and make contact with anything you wish to discuss. Your very own designed corset is ready and waiting for you! (Please note: Other dressmaking options are available, just contact me!)
Google Map of Precious Catherine address: 19 Metcalfe Dr, Romsey 3434 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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