Profile: Sassy Red PR is a Public Relations company located at Armadale, Victoria Australia, address is Armadale 3143 VIC, postcode is 3143
Description: Sassy Red PR is committed to delivering creative, media-savvy public relations services based on a superior industry knowledge. We aim to ensure a professional yet personal service, with tailored PR and marketing solutions for Melbourne's independent artists and companies. Services include: - Media Release writing and editing - Access to an extensive Industry Contact List - Tailored e-marketing for event, show or production - Detailed Marketing Report at the conclusion of campaign As a boutique agency, Sassy Red PR focuses on quality over quantity. Our clients are always assured that they have our complete attention to detail, as we only work on a select amount of campaigns at any given time. You wont get lost in the mix, you wont speak to numerous people and youll be dealing with people who know the industry, and want your project to succeed as much as you do.
Google Map of Sassy Red PR address: Armadale 3143 VIC.
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