Profile: AMAZING CHURCH is a Churches company located at Melton West, Victoria Australia, address is ARNOLDS CREEK COMMUNITY CENTRE, 19 Claret Ash Bvd, Melton West 3337 VIC, postcode is 3337
Description: AMAZING CHURCH is a Christian Church located in Melton West. Our weekly Sunday services start at 11am at ARNOLDS CREEK COMMUNITY CENTRE - 19 Claret Ash Boulevard, Melton West. An Amazing Kids Program is also provided during the time of our service that caters for the age 2 years to 12 years. We are affiliated with the Australian Christian Churches and enjoy a great time of fellowship each week. ALL ARE WELCOME!!
Google Map of AMAZING CHURCH address: ARNOLDS CREEK COMMUNITY CENTRE, 19 Claret Ash Bvd, Melton West 3337 VIC.
Map And Street View
Please note that location of this property on map is approximate and street view images may not show the exact property advertised.
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